Proprietorship Registration
Start your business as proprietorship easily within one day. All you need is MSME (Udyam Registration) & GST Registration to start the proprietorship business. This is the simplest form of business and easiest to start. We have a ready made package to start your business.
Sole Proprietorship Registration
Start your business as proprietorship quickly within one day. There is no specific registration requirement for a proprietorship business. However, to start the same, some other registrations are required as it is included in our basic package. The Sole Proprietorship is the simplest form of business in which enterprises can start. Only one person invests entire capital in the firm, and he alone is entitled to the business's profits.
Quick Method to Start a Proprietorship Firm
- Decide Name of the Firm
- Trademark Search & Registration
- Apply Pan Card of the Proprietor
- Obtain TAN Number for TDS Compliance
- Apply for GST Registration
- Remember to Register as MSME
Advantages of Sole Proprietorships
- Easy and inexpensive to form
- Profits all go to the owner
- Direct control of the business
- Freedom from government regulation
- No special taxation
- Ease of dissolution.
Document & Pricing
Documents Required to Start a Proprietorship Firm
- Registred office Proof - Property Tax recept or Rent Agreement or Electricty bill and NOC
- Proprietor Photograph
- Proprietor Pan card
- Proprieor Adhar card
- Proprietor Voter ID card or Driving Licnese or Passport
- Proprietor cancel cheque
Cost to Start Proprietorship
Professional Fee
₹ 2499/-
₹ 450/-
Total Amount
₹ 2949/-
Package Inclusions
- Consultation With Startup Advisors
- GST Registration
- Udyam (MSME Registration)