Proprietorship Registration
Proprietorship Registration Order Now @Rs 1999 ->>
Start your business as proprietorship quickly within one day. All you need is MSME (Udyam Registration) & GST Registration to start the proprietorship business. For a single owner, the proprietorship is the simplest form of business and the easiest to create.
Benefits of Proprietorship Form of Business
- Start Business in One Day - Proprietorship formation is the easiest among all other business forms and can be started within one working day.
- 100% Online & Easy Process - We help small business to start their business as proprietorship firm in an entirely online environment and without any hassle.
- Ease of Compliance - The compliance requirement is significantly less, and there is no need to get the accounts audited or file any annual return.
- Tax Advantage - As the taxable income forms part of the Proprietor's ITR, The benefit of slab based income tax is available to proprietorship.
- Easy To Control & Manage - As there is no separation of ownership and control, it is considerably easy to manage and control the proprietary business.
- Easy To Close - There is no specific process to close the proprietorship firm. Simply surrender all registration and licenses and close business.
Disadvantages of Proprietorship Firm -
- Unlimited liability of the owner - Since a sole proprietorship does not create a separate legal entity, the business owner faces unlimited personal liability for all debts incurred by the entity. In other words, if a business cannot meet its financial obligations, creditors can seek repayment from the entity’s owner, who must use his or her personal assets to repay outstanding debts or other financial obligations.
- Limitations on capital raising - Unlike partnerships and corporations, sole proprietorships generally enjoy fewer options to raise capital. For example, the owner cannot sell an equity stake to obtain new funds. In addition, the ability to obtain loans depends on the owner’s personal credit history.
Documents Required to Start a Proprietorship Firm
- Colour Photo
- Aadhar Card
- Pan card and
- Cancelled Cheque
- Office Address Related - Recent month Electricity bill or property tax receipt . Proof of Office Address (It should not be older than 2 months)
- NOC from the Owner of Premises
Cost to Start Proprietorship firm
Basic Packages - ₹ 1999/-
Package Inclusions
- Consultation With Startup Advisors
- GST Registration
- Udyam (MSME Registration)
Silver Packages - ₹ 5499/-
- Basic Pack +
- Shop and Establishment Registration
Note - Govt fee on Shop and Establishment vary as per number of employee and year of establishment of Business.
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